The Beijing shanghai high speed railway

The Beijing shanghai high speed railway

Takes the cake the rail line cut travel time by more than half and was completed in just three years the 1 320 kilometer long railway was built at a cost of 40 billion dollars and was opened to the public in 2011. during the first decade of operations the railway line has already served over 1.3 billion people every day 41 bullet trains traveling at speeds close to kilometers depart from Beijing drive south down to Jinjang pass through Nanjing and complete a trip to shanghai in about five hours the same trip took about 12 to 14 hours before this high-speed railway was opened in 2019 alone the rail line transported over 210 million passengers with daily ridership peaking at 798 000 passengers so even though the project used up more than 40billion dollars of the taxpayers money it ended up being a smashing success many of china's high-speed trains run on subsidies and losses however the Beijing shanghai high-speed railway managed to generate close to a billion dollars in 2015 the company's net profits increased up to 40 percent every year up to 2019. the railway line's resounding success even made its way to the shanghai stock exchange in January 2020. it debuted on the exchange after one of the biggest  in Chinese history where the company raised about four and a half billion dollars selling over six billion shares on the first day the most expensive transit mega project in history remained profitable even during the pandemic to this day it is considered to be the most profitable railroad line in the world have you traveled through or with one of these expensive yet fascinating mega developments

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