What's inside the Millennium Falcon? (Star Wars)
let's look inside of the Millennium Falcon from "Star Wars". Of course, I speak perfectly ship structure. All hallways and rooms, powers and control systems, all the way to the lower engines and hyperdrive The Millennium Falcon is a model of the YT-1300 Light Freighter, created by Corellian Engineer Corporation. Their YT series has several models for different purposes. However, let’s focus on the YT-1300. The ship was designed to be extremely modular, which means that each ship owner can customize it to their needs. Different engines, left, right or center cockpit. But in the end, we are very familiar configuration of the Millennium Falcon. The ship is ready to push cargo into space, especially very heavy goods. One of the first owners of the ship was Lando Calrissian. He kept the ship looking clean and tidy, and inserted an escape code right in front of it. Later, when Han Solo owned the ship, he preferred the ship to look for something which was in the scrap yard. This has drawn very little attention from Imperial soldiers. The boat is 34 feet [34 m] long. Here is how it compares to the Boeing 747 here on Earth. Not as big as you thought, huh? Let's look at the outside of the ark. The two front prongs are called mandibles. This is a cockpit, starboard docking port, small engines, this is where the green light comes from, and these six circles at the top are hot air vents. This is a port on the side of the harbor, rectenna container, used sensory communication, and, of course, a quad laser cannon in the middle. Below is another quad laser cannon, and lower legs The climbing ramp is on the side of the starboard of the ship.
Let's look inside.After climbing the boarding ramp you will enter through this door, then enter the main tunnel which is a circular passage. If you are in a hurry to leave, turn right pointing in the opposite direction. We have a pilot's seat, Wookie, and two drivers in the back seats. The controls are in front but there are also controls around the bulkhead, including the nav computer. This helps us plan a safe course through hyperspace. Log in here for access to gun turret, you can climb the ladder to the top or bottom. And let’s not forget the secret parts of the scanning evidence used more than once to hide property and even staff. This is the main catchy area with the most famous oh a hologame table used to play the Dejarik game. In the corner is the technology channel,
which helps to monitor shipping systems. There are also two coats here for everyone that requires a little rest. The ship has plenty of storage space. This is the first catch, the second number, and the third number holds. The second number catch contains health support programs. We must have air to breathe in space. The middle room is the loading room, which can be obtained through these departments. Now let me show you a few things on the front of the ship. Inside the mandibles you will find metal tractor emitters. Let me show you what these look like. These help to transport goods to the ship. Up here is where concussion arrows are maintained. Here are two deflector protection generators, very important in space wars. Let's move on to this passage. Here's how to get to the airlock of a hole, there is another docking hatch on top of the ship. You will need to use the elevator to get up there. This is a staff quarters with jackets and a kitchen. In the background is the last hidden place.
You can achieve this with a secret wall in this bed. Engine room is this room with an unusual shape in the back. This is where care can be taken in ship operations.
At the end of the main tunnel is where you go to access the escape pods. There is space for five escape pods. Once they have loaded the passenger they climb down the conveyor then unloaded from the back of the ship. The ship's center contains very dangerous equipment.
This is the backbone of quadex energy, which gives a lot of power to the ship. The ignition system is correct below. It is made up of four fuel slug tanks that comes from the Rippinnium, which is a type of explosive liquid metal. The oil was then taken to the stern of the ship. This is the emergency room, and these are less than nine engines. First, the fuel is compressed and he burned them at the back of the ship. Now, this pushes us into the real world only. If we want to quickly go to another star system then we will need to use hyperdrive, comes from coaxium, which is a type of hypermatter, moving the entire ship to hyperspace.
With this kind of speed we can go short the whole galaxy in just a few days. Now, hyperdrive in Falcon class 0.5. Most hyperdrives are rated on one to three scales, low numbers are faster. So, yes, the Millennium Falcon is very fast. When it is time to stay, the doors open and each of the five arrival legs extended. As we approach the ground the jets settle down help facilitate smooth arrival.